The move home
It's 900 miles from Lake Degray to Minneapolis, and the 5000 lbs, 9 foot wide First 260 was going to prove to be quite the pull. I borrowed a friend's V8 Toyota, and headed down, spending the night in southern Iowa. With me were 4 new tires for the trailer, and a mast lowering system based on one I created for my old First 235. There is no boat moving facilities at Degray, so we were going to be doing ALL the work. And LOTS of things were going to have to line up. Getting the boat on the trailer took much lover than expected. The PO had moved the pads, so I had crawl in the water to look at the pads with a swim mask on to see if they needed adjustment. It took an extra day. But by 5PM we were on the road, heading north. At a gas station in Fort Smith AR, I took this picture. Deep in the Ozarks. People looked at us very strangely. I ended up making it to Jopin MO that night. Not bad at all based on the late start, and driving the boat through the Ozarks at night. It...