Spinnaker winches
With the headsail sheets on the cabintop, the single set of Lewmar 16STs on the First 260 do reasonable triple duty. They manage the halyards and control lines, they control the genoa sheets, and the also trim the spinnaker sheet and guy. This is normally manageable due to careful placement of lines, winches and the sheet-lock. But there ARE times when a dedicated set of spin winches would come in handy! On BlueJ we normally race with a crew of 4. This works great but it is VERY busy in maneuvers. In this setup, during a gibes and douses the driver steers with the tiller between in legs, and runs the sheets and guy, timing so the foredecker can manage the big kite. In this model, the cabintop winches are very hard to use. You can see in this video the basic steps of our maneuver. We have found that a 2nd pair of small Lewmar ST winches, mounted on the side decks make for the best solution. In our application, we have a set of Lewmar 14ST winches mounted on 1.5 inch risers, si...