Of Sprits, anchors, and Code Zeros
While modern non-overlapping boats are very versatile, everyone that sails them knows that they suffer reaching in light airs. The smaller jib bas no chance matching the power of a large genoa, and the wind angle is too tight for a spinnaker. A Code 0 is the obvious answer, but that requires a secure tack-point in front of the bow and clear of the bow pulpit. As the 260 had no solution as delivered, several years ago I fabricated a mock-up out of cardboard with a plan to have it made in aluminum. And while this was workable and would also have allowed for an asym to be tacked there are well, I did not proceed because it complicated another sore-spot with the boat, and that is anchoring. The 260 has no real bow roller, and retrieving a plow anchor with the plumb bow involves a high-wire acrobat's skills holding the anchor clear while pulling in the chain. The sprit would have made it worse. So I waited. Salvation arrived in the form of a picture on a European-based First260 FB gro...