Jackdaw, or Blue J??

Jackdaw was the name of my beloved Beneteau First 235, and when we bought the 260 I had every intention of renaming her Jackdaw. The name Jackdaw is just so cool, and it fits into my theme of naming boats after birds. In case you missed Jackdaw, here she is going to weather.

But something happened over time. The name Blue J grew on me. It WAS a bird, the boat WAS blue, and it WAS her original name. All of the original documentation had Blue J all over it. It has great provenience.  That the name was painted on the hull was a factor too.  So the name Jackdaw is retired to cherished memory, and Blue J lives on. And as Blue J is a documented vessel, the name would end up on the transom as well.


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